Africa-Equatorial Guinea-Bioko-Malabo Arrived in Malabo 2 days later then planned due to a missed connection in London. E-Guinea is a very difficult place to get a visa for as a tourist. The nearest Embassy to Ireland, was in UK and they would not issue visas for travel to E-Guinea unless sponsored. This was due to the Coup that took place in 2004. When I explained I was a tourist it did not make any difference. I had arranged to go with 2 other Americans on this trip. Americans don't need a visa due that many work here in the Oil industry from Houston and it would be a nightmare organising visas here for work. So I sent the 3 applications to the Embassy in Washington DC and got back 2 passports as not needed and mine had the visa stamp. The Security here for the President is very heavy. The hotel is right beside the Presidential Palace which is just on the sea. Walking one foot on the wrong side of the road towards the Palace would have the Guards pull guns . This Postcard shows the main street that leads up to the Gates of the Palace. Taking Photos was forbidden in most parts of town, but in fact I did not know that until I was reading information on departure. I had the photos taken at this stage. A very green country due to the tropical rain.