Sunday, 6 April 2014

Rodrigues Island and Madagascar

Indian Ocean-Rodrigues Island  Rodrigues Island is part of Mauritius and a flight away . It is a nice small Island and easy to get around. A little part of Mauritius with very few tourists. 

A good selection of Mauritius stamps and a Rodrigues cancellation . 

Indian Ocean-Madagascar-Antannarivo  Here you see the old Royal Palace and it is a World Heritage Site .The building itself had a fire and you see the other buildings made of wood when here.  Tanna as the capital is really known  locally is most interesting . Full of energy . 

The Post office had a philatelic section . Some interesting stamps . One official was there but not very interested in selling me stamps. They had some interesting stamps, but would not sell them to me once I said I was using them for postage. Normally I still buy them  and all is ok. But in this case the firm answer was no. I had to buy a full collection and they were not for postage. So I ended back at the stamp counter to buy what little selection they had. Unfortunately African countries have a reputation for this sort of thing. On my recent trip to Kenya the philatelic counter charged 16% Tax as they said the stamps were not for postage. Still Madagascar is a great country !  

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