Tuesday 12 May 2015

Equatorial Guinea ( Rio Muni) and Annobon Island

Africa-Equatorial Guinea (Rio Muni)-Bata  Not very easy to find a card in Bata but here is one. I had been to Bata airport only on the way to Annobon Island flying from Malabo the capital of Equatorial Guinea. This was in 2007. 

This card as you can see is unusual in my collection. It was posted in Bata in March 2015 in Bata. As I said I had been there briefly and had in fact given a airport worker some postcards with stamps to post and extra dollars as a gift. Needless to say the postcards never arrived. So when a good friend of mine was visiting there early this year I asked for a postcard and here it is. In fact he told me the Post office in Bata had no stamps or postcards. He got the Postcard in a stationary shop and a office near the Post office had some stamps  in a drawer and so I was  extra lucky to get any postcard let alone one with a stamp that arrived back in Ireland. 
Here I am at Bata Airport with Christine a great fellow traveller from New York. This was the last time I seen my Bata Postcards !!!
Here is a statue of the President of Equatorial Guinea. I later found out on the way home that you can be arrested for taking photos of this statue....
Here is the Island of Annobon. At the time not easy to get too. But a very interesting Island to visit. No Post office here at that time. 

These are some photos from Annobon Island. Spend the day here and had lunch with the Pilots on the flight. The hotel was owned by the President and a few years later where was some sort of bad weather and the hotel "Fell into the Sea" Glad I was not having lunch then lol.. The last photo is Christine and me at Annobon airport - as you can see it is just a check in desk and a chair near the runway.
Some other info on Equatorial Guinea. One of the hardest visa's to get from my point of view. Tourism was not encouraged due to the many coups that were always about to happen. It was very poor despite the fact that it has oil and a booming increase in GDP. I hear since this trip in 2007 it has changed a lot. 


  1. Wow what an amazing trip. Eq Guinea postcard. I think it is the first I see.

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  2. You will see another postcard from Malabo in the other Equatorial Guinea section if you look. David

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You have shared the postcard it's really wonderful. And I really like this postcard.
    Thank you so much for sharing


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